Tuesday 19 June 2012

ED Weekes

ED Weekes

  Edward A. Weeks, an author, essayist and editor of The Atlantic Monthly for 28 years, died Saturday at his home in Thompson, Conn. He was 91 years old.
Mr. Weeks was the editor of the Atlantic Monthly Press from 1928 to 1937 and assumed editorship of its magazine in 1938. During his tenure - the longest of any editor at the publication, which is now called The Atlantic - he nurtured the careers of many young writers who subsequently became famous.

ED Weekes

ED Weekes

 ED Weekes

 ED Weekes

 ED Weekes

 ED Weekes


ED Weekes

ED Weekes

ED Weekes

ED Weekes

ED Weekes

ED Weekes

ED Weekes

ED Weekes

ED Weekes

ED Weekes

ED Weekes

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